fredag 11 december 2015

Week 51

 Dear Parents

The Mathematics test results and the Natural Sciences Chemistry examination experiments have been carried out. The children were able to individually carry out systematic experiments and structure their results according to their initial objective which  according to Lgr 11  was to carry out systematic studies in chemistry, and to  use concepts of chemistry, its models and theories to describe and explain chemical relationships in society, nature and in people.
The study of Chemistry based its core content in :
• Carrying out simple systematic studies. Planning, execution and evaluation.,
Examining  methods for dissolving solutions and mixtures into their various components and classification of substances and material based on properties’ appearance, conductivity solubility, combustibility, and acidity.
The children are to complete their analysis of Goodnight Mr. Tom and characterization of one major character in a book of their own choice.

Next week the children will engage a large portion of their work on revision and accomplishing work left undone. For the results of the evaluation   from the inspectorate, a mail has been sent by the grade 5 Class Teachers. The overall evaluation is available on

Bedömningstillfället i geografi är på måndag nästa vecka. Eleverna ska kunna sätta ut minst 10 och helst fler än 20 länder och huvudstäder på en blindkarta samt använda en kartbok för att ta reda på och förklara fakta, något vi har övat på i skolan genom att vara kartboksdetektiver.

Igår, torsdag, var det bedömningstillfälle i grammatik, som vid en första anblick ser ut att ha gått galant för eleverna. Som avslutning av arbetsområdet om grammatik kommer eleverna få göra egna små filmer om ordklasser, med grammatikbolaget som förlaga, i programmet iMovie.

Hälsningar från,

Agnes Halmin och Jacqueline Zettergren
Lärare år 5
Johannes skola
